


Investor Relations

MNC Leasing Increasingl...
Wed, 04/25/2018

MNC Leasing Increasingly Trusted by Banking, The Westin, Jakarta

PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia ("MNC Leasing") is trusted by banking partners. This was evidenced by the receipt of additional credit facilities from PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna ("Bank Sampoerna"), from PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional, Tbk ("Bank BTPN") and PT Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk ("Capital Bank"). Within 2 days (December 18-19 2018) MNC Leasing received an additional credit facility of Rp.100 billion. With this addition, the total credit facilities received from the three banks amounted to Rp. 200 billion. MNC Leasing Finance Director, Meita Liliasari said that the addition of this credit facility will all be used for the company's working capital financing. "With the addition of this credit facility, MNC Leasing targets total assets to reach Rp.1 trillion by the end of 2018," said Meita. 

MNC Leasing's Managing Director, Paulus Cholot Janala, added that amidst the difficult flow of funding from banks due to several cases that hit the multi-finance industry in recent years, the addition of these three banks proved that MNC Leasing is a healthy multi. "MNC Leasing will continue to strive to maintain its performance so that it can continue to be trusted by the bank.

Melalui acara Gala Dinner, kata dia, perseroan memperkenalkan kepada perbankan industri-industri yang menjadi fokus pembiayaan dan kategori produk yang dapat dibiayai oleh MNC Leasing.

Dia menyampaikan, sejak didirikan pada tahun 2014, rata-rata pertumbuhan aset MNC Leasing sebesar 116% per tahun. Tahun ini pihaknya menargetkan total aset bisa mencapai Rp1,2 triliun. Untuk pemenuhan target tersebut dibutuhkan dukungan dari perbankan dan lembaga pembiayaan.

“Dengan 14 cabang di 11 kota yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, MNC Leasing berusaha untuk terus mengembangkan bisnis. Dengan adanya sinergi dengan perbankan diharapkan bisnis MNC Leasing dapat bersama membangun Indonesia,” pungkasnya.

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